Category Archives: Samhain

Feasting my Ancestors

For the past few years I have been ‘feasting the ancestors’ or ‘feasting the dead’ at around Samhain time on 31st October.  Halloween or the ancient Samhain, is considered the time of year when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest.

I love this ritual and I especially love it when it’s done in a circle, with dear friends. I have only done this indoors but it could be done as the Mexicans do and celebrated at crematoria or cemeteries where the loved ones are scattered or buried. The Mexicans call this The Day of the Dead, and it’s a more elaborate affair and involves whole communities. I don’t live close enough to my deceased loved ones to go to their burial site. That said it could still be done at a place like a crematorium, despite your own kin not being there. Although Samhain at this time of year can be rather chilly.

I see this ritual of feasting the ancestors as a time to fully embrace our past ancestors, to remember and honour those now gone. Remembering is acknowledging our loved ones, our folks who walked before us. Read More…